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The Dallas—Fort worth Regional Association of School Psychologists (DFWRASP) is a non—profit, volunteer organization whose sole purpose is to provide high quality, low cost continuing professional education to its members. It sponsors three one—day conferences annually (fall, winter, spring) providing sufficient hours to meet Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists licensing requirements .


DFWRASP has no paid officers or staff and does not engage in political advocacy. All funds received from members go toward funding continuing education conferences and related expenses .


DFWRASP is an independent Association having no formal relationship with other professional organizations Membership in other professional organizations does not impact membership in DFWRASP and visa versa.



The Association functions by means of the active support of psychologists practicing in DFW—area public school districts.

Membership dues and conference fees are lower than typical for other continuing education conferences because psychologists from area school districts volunteer to host the three annual conferences, providing facilities and manpower at no cost . Officers of the Association serve a two—year term, solicit districts to host conferences, advise hosting districts during planning and preparation, maintain the Association bank accounts and membership database, and serve as the central communication link for members . Hosting districts are responsible for the quality and production of conferences.


DFWRASP has formal written bylaws and conducts regular business meetings wherein members discuss and vote on Association activities.



Membership is for one year and runs from September 1st to August 31st. Membership dues are $10, no matter when paid during the year, and all memberships expire on August 31st. Membership is required to attend a conference . Thus, if membership has not been established at the time of conference registration, the additional membership fee must also be paid.


Conferences cost $10 each. Thus, to both establish membership and register for a conference costs a total of $20. If membership dues have already been paid, the cost of a single conference is $10. Higher fees are charged for late registration. All persons registering less than 10 days prior to a conference, regardless of membership status, are charged $40. It is greatly preferred that members both register and pay for conferences in advance. However, the option exists of avoiding late registration fees by faxing in a completed registration form 10 days or more in advance, and then paying the regular low fee at the door on the day of the conference .


Student membership rates ($5 membership, $5 per conference) are available, but require that students provide the Association Secretary a letter from a faculty member of the university they attend verifying they are (1) a current student (2) in good standing (3) in a graduate program of school psychology. Such documentation is required each year.

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